Warunki wykorzystania AltDentifier oraz warunki prywatności

Prosimy wziąć pod uwagę, że warunki korzystania w języku angielskim są prawnie wiążące. Tłumaczenia tego dokumentu mogą być dostarczone dla Twojej wygody, lecz nadal są one przetłumaczone przez społeczność i tym samym nie są dokumentami prawnymi.

Polityka prywatności

Twoja prywatność jest ważna dla AltDentifier i w związku z tym zapewnimy ochronę Twojej prywatności podczas korzystania z naszych usług.

Pytamy o Twoje informacje osobiste by zapewnić płynne działanie usług naszego bota. AltDentifier to platforma weryfikująca w mediach socjalnych i w związku z tym będzie wymagała i udostępniała Twój profil na tych platformach z innymi.

Podczas weryfikacji swojego konta z AltDentifier, niektóre informacje mogą być udostępnione administracji kanałów tekstowych, którzy korzystają z usług AltDentifier. Obejmuje to między innymi następujące informacje:
* Liczbę serwerów na których się znajdujesz
* Nazwę użytkownika odpowiadającą serwisowi, którego użyłeś do weryfikacji swojego konta
* Dane dotyczące konta na serwisie, którego użyłeś do weryfikacji swojego konta. Obejmują one między innymi informacje takie jak ilość utworzonych tweetów lub poziomu konta Steam.
* Status Twojej przeglądarki, który wskaże czy użyłeś połączenia przez VPN podczas weryfikacji przy użyciu AltDentifier.
AltDentifier magazynuje anonimowe informacje na temat serwisów z którymi jesteś połączony.

Warunki wykorzystywania

Please read these Terms of Service completely using https://altdentifier.com, owned and operated by Geoffrey Westhoff. This agreement documents the legally binding terms and conditions attached to the use of the Site at altdentifier.com. By accessing and using this service, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of this agreement. In addition, when using these particular services, you shall be subject to any posted guidelines or rules applicable to such services. The AltDentifier service is not accessible to those under 13 years of age, and AltDentifier does not knowingly store personal information from children under the age of 13. Any participation in this service will constitute acceptance of this agreement. If you do not agree to abide by the above, please do not use this service.

1. Odpowiedzialność

2. Własność intelektualna

The Site and its original content, features, and functionality are owned by Geoffrey Westhoff and are protected by international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws. All data generated and shared by AltDentifier in the past, present or future is property of AltDentifier and it's sole owners and must be transferred, removed or changed on request.


We may terminate your access to the Site, without cause or notice, which may result in the forfeiture and destruction of all information associated with your account. All provisions of this Agreement that, by their nature, should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity, and limitations of liability. You may also request to terminate your account yourself, to do this, submit a deletion request on our web panel. Using AltDentifier after termination will result in a new account being opened for you.




7. Other Links



10. Contact

AltDentifier ChatGuard Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

The AltDentifier ChatGuard System, hereafter identified simply as ChatGuard, is a system that is developed by using KSoft.SI’s ChatWatch system for processing of text messages to determine toxicity and other harmful meanings conveyed. As such, your usage of the ChatGuard system is governed by it’s own separate Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as well as KSoft.SI’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. By joining and conversing in any server using ChatGuard, you agree that AltDentifier processes your messages and forwards them to KSoft.SI’s ChatWatch system for analysis, thereby binding you to KSoft.SI’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in all manners that relate to the ChatWatch system and it’s employment by AltDentifier.

Polityka prywatności

By employing or interacting with the ChatGuard system in a server using the ChatGuard system, AltDentifier and KSoft.SI may collect information that is sent to them as a result of using our services. AltDentifier and KSoft.SI will collect information from users in servers using the ChatGuard system. Information we may collect may include, but is not limited to user identifiers, channel identifiers, server identifiers and message content. You agree that AltDentifier and KSoft.SI may use information provided by you to improve their services. AltDentifier and KSoft.SI make use of the following obligations on the legal basis of honouring our obligations to you and for our legitimate interests, which includes providing the service to you, protecting our users and property, improving our business and for our legal obligations. AltDentifier reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. Please review our policies periodically, and before engaging with our services. Continuing to use our services after any changes to this Policy indicates your agreements to the revised Policy. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our Policies. You may reach us at: [email protected] or KSoft.SI at [email protected]

Terms of Usage

By employing the ChatGuard system in your server, you shall make notice in your server of the usage of this system and provide an electronic link to this resource. In order to gain access to ChatGuard, you must allow AltDentifier to post a message in your server. By using this feature, you will fulfil your obligation of making notice in your server. AltDentifier will enforce the visibility, readability and availability of this message automatically. If your server fails to fulfil this obligation, your access to ChatGuard may be (permanently) suspended. You agree that both AltDentifier and KSoft.SI may revoke your access to ChatGuard at any time, and that neither AltDentifier, nor KSoft.SI, take any responsibility for the usage of the ChatGuard system in your server.

Your Content

By employing the ChatGuard system in your server, you grant AltDentifier and KSoft.SI a perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sub licensable and worldwide license to use, host, reproduce, adapt, distribute and display any message content that is processed by us in connection to providing and operating the ChatGuard and ChatWatch services.
