AltDentifier Comandos

Dica: Use ;help [comando] no bot para ver mais informações sobre um comando!


;ban [member]
Bans a member

Removes a ChatGuard strike from the user
Aliases: removestrikes, clearstrike, clearstrikes

;reason [reason]
Sets a mod-log reason
Aliases: r

;unmute [member]
Unmutes a member

;kick [member]
Kicks a member

;mute [member]
Mutes a member


Manually make a member verify themselves
Aliases: verify

Enables anti-raid mode, which automatically does an authentication attempt on all new users

;bypass [member]
Let a user skip verification


Show info about yourself or others
Aliases: whois

Search for configuration issuesAliases: diagnose

Honestly every bot just needs this

Shows this very command!

Bot statistics and information

Get a link to the settings dashboard

Get the bots invite link

Donate towards AltDentifier's developmentAliases: patreon, premium

Show the profile information of a member