update 4.3 changelog

Autor: Auxim

Hi folks,

Due to high growth of AltDentifier, I have decided to release this update early. This means translations might be lacking, but the features have been tested properly and should not cause any stability issues! To lessen the impact of taking the bot down, this update will take place on Monday, July 22th around 08:00 AM (Morning) UTC.

Without further ado, here are the changes and new features:

• AltDentifier now has a moderation log! You can turn this feature on by visiting the Moderation tab once this update goes live. This mod-log tracks Bans, Kicks, Unbans, Mutes, Unmutes and Timeout Roles!
• Changes made to settings are now tracked, and will be displayed under the Audit Log tab once this update goes live.
• Tooltips have been added when hovering over a setting's name
• Statistics about verification have been added on the new Your Server tab! You can see total verifications, passes, failures, bypasses and incorrect accounts. These can be filtered by day, week or month!
• Raidmode configuration has moved to the Moderation tab. The Raidmode tab has been removed as a result!
• AltDentifier now has a command to mute users. You can set your muted role by selecting one in the Moderation tab, or by naming the role "Muted".
• In addition, it is possible to set timed mutes for certain times, or relatively using natural language. For example, you could use ;mute Auxim "for 1 hour" "OwO in chat"
• Invites are now tracked when members join. These will be displayed in the Join Log message. It's also posted when somebody enters verification after joining!
• When a member gets kicked, the log for members leaving will now display "Member Kicked" instead of "Member Left"
• It is now possible to kick or ban users for using an incorrect account. Take note however, that it is possible for members to accidentally create a new account while logging in. Use of this feature is your own responsibility.
• AltDentifier is updated to use the latest version of discord.py! This should bring a minor performance improvement.
• Duo has switched his usual diet of mice for bugs... wait wrong app. Anyway, we fixed some bugs. Might have made a few ones too. Report them if you find any ;)

I hope you guys enjoy this update, as it will be the last feature update for now, as I'm starting to work on rewriting legacy parts of the code and improving the stability as our high growth is going to challenge how much we can still squeeze out of the simple scaling solution we use now.

Thank you for using AltDentifier, have a good one!
